Chiropractic Treatment:
Chiropractic is a health care discipline and profession that emphasizes diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, especially the spine. These disorders affect general health via the nervous system. The main treatment involves manual therapy including manipulation of the spine, other joints and soft tissue; treatment may also include rehabilitative exercises.
Electrical Stimulation:
Electrical stimulation is also known as Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS). TENS delivers a painless electrical current through the patient's skin to specific nerves. The current produces mild heat that works to relieve stiffness and pain and helps to improve range of motion (mobility). This treatment is non-invasive with no known side effects. It may be used to control acute pain and chronic pain.
Ultrasound is a common non-invasive therapy used to treat back and neck pain, tendon and ligament injury, muscle spasms, joint problems and other spine related conditions. Besides chiropractors, ultrasound is also used by physical therapists in rehabilitation facilities.
Core Strengthening and Flexibility:
Isolated exercises to stabilize the spine preventing stress and injury. Stretching and flexibility exercises to maintain proper biomechanics and range of motion. These techniques, which are recommended by the doctor help to prevent injury, degeneration and arthritic changes to the spine.
Chiropractic for Children:
Dr. Cooney has many child and teenage patients. Chiropractic care for children and teenagers is beneficial for many reasons including:
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To encourage good neural plasticity (brain and nerve development).
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To support the child’s overall health and wellbeing.
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To help strengthen the child’s immunity and potentially reduce the incidence of colds, ear-aches and general illness.